Guillotine Herbicide

For the Non-Residual Control of Broadleaf and Grass Weeds in Various Situations

If you need to control weeds in valuable horticulture crops, Guillotine is the right choice to clean up around the crop while giving it maximum protection. Guillotine rewards careful application with exceptional performance. When it is applied with the right equipment at the right timing, Guillotine is very effective on over 80 species of broadleaf and grass weeds and has a high level of crop safety.

Features & Benefits

  • Cost-effective option that controls difficult-to-manage weeds in valuable crops.
  • The perfect choice to clean up weeds around the crop whilst getting maximum crop protection.
  • Effective on over 80 species of broadleaf and grass weeds.
  • Unique mode of action compared to other commonly used herbicides.
  • Ideal for weed resistance management programs when rotating non-selective modes of action.

Active Constituent


Activity Group

  • Group N Herbicide


  • AC - Aqueous Concentrate (Soluble Concentrate)

Pack Sizes

  • discontinued product line  
